Tefilas HaShelah
28.05.2014 in SegulasThere is a well known segula to donate multiples of 19 of the current currency in memory of Reb Yissocher Ber ben Yitzchak of Radashitz and say the posuk “Ki goy oived eitzos haimoh” This has known to help in many areas of life especially…
I brought my worries, concerns, problems…
27.05.2014 in FeedbackDear Nachlas Kedmiem D’Radashitz, As you are well aware, I have been to Radashitz twice. I brought my worries, concerns, problems etc to the Tzion, within hours of leaving I felt uplifted with so much clarity. It felt like I dropped 100 pounds. I have…
The Carpenter’s Apprentice
27.05.2014 in StoriesThere is a story that is well-known to the people of the city of Radashitz: There was an non-Jewish man in Radashitz who lived to the age of one hundred and fifteen. One year, on the 18th day of Sivan, the day of the Rebbe’s…