radashitz.org | Tefilas HaShelah


Tefilas HaShelah

28 May 2014, by admin in Segulas

tefilas-hashelahThere is a well known segula to donate multiples of 19 of the current currency in memory of Reb Yissocher Ber ben Yitzchak of Radashitz and say the posuk “Ki goy oived eitzos haimoh” This has known to help in many areas of life especially regarding matters that deal with the secular system such as tickets, court appearances etc. ​ In addition, people have had children after being barren for many years, finances taken a turn for the be​tter​. Countless people have attested to the great miracles they have personally witnessed after giving Tzedakah in his memory. ​ ​Stories are told of the sudden feelings of Dveikus in Hashem and emotion that overwhelms people who visit his Kever in Poland.

​If you are interested in finding out more of Reb Yissocher Ber of Radashitz and some of the stories that occurred in his lifetime​, please click here to contact us.

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