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Who was Reb Yissocher Ber of Radashitz and what are some of the stories that occurred in his lifetime?

Reb Yissocher was born in the year 5525 (1765) and passed away on the 18th of Sivan 5603 (1843). His father Reb Yitzchak ZT”L was the Meshamesh (personal assistant) to the Maggid of Mezritch. The Mezritcher Maggid raised an orphan girl in his home. The Maggid told his loyal assistant, R’ Yitzchak that he felt he would be a good shidduch. R’ Yitzchak replied “My Rebbe, I have always listened to everything you have told me to do, but how can I go through with this? It will be a major embarrassment to be married to such a woman.” The Rebbe replied “She is a righteous and special woman in her own right. In addition I promise you that if you marry her you will have a son that will light up the entire world; and name him after me.” That son was Yissocher Ber of Radashitz.


Even as a child it was recognizable that he was unique. At the tender age of 7 he used to immerse himself daily in the Mikveh. He did this in secret as he did not want people to know of or to follow in his ways. A friend of his noticed and started to accompany him to the Mikveh as well. One day, it was extremely cold and despite the young Yissocher’s warnings, his friend immersed himself as usual. He developed pneumonia and was on the brink of death. When Yissocher heard of this, he secluded himself in the attic of his home and beseeched Hashem to heal his friend. He cried until he filled a plate with his tears. He then dipped a sugar cube in the tears and gave it to his friend to suck on, and he made a full recovery.

For the majority of his life time he was the Av Beis Din in Radashitz. He was well known as a tremendous Talmid Chochom fluent in all areas of the Torah. A few years alter becoming Kav in Radashitz, the community leaders of a larger town, ‘Naishtadt’ asked him to become their new Rav. They offered him a larger salary as well as the opportunity to have a much larger Kehilla. He would not have to worry about supporting his family for the rest of his life. He asked his Rebbe who told him “Shev V’Al Taseh Adif” (it is better to stay and do nothing). He told him that his light would shine forth from Radashitz; that is where he stayed and the name Radashitz is forever etched in his legacy.

He was called the second Baal Shem Tov by the “Tiferes Shlomo” of Radomsk.

He learned his Torah from great luminaries of his generation: The Rebbe of Lublin, the Koznitzer Maggid, the Apta Rav and the Yehudi Hakadosh of Peshischah.


It is told that the Radashitzer would make a cream out of the leftover apples from the Rosh Hashono seudah “Yehi Ratzon”, and smear it on the wounds of the sick to heal them.

He was well known as being able to discern whether wine is Yayin Nesech (defiled, impure wine) by merely glancing or touching the bottle. The Tiferes Shlomo of Radomsk once told his Chassidim “I will show you what is the meaning of the word Rebbe.” While traveling to Radashitz, the non-Jewish wagon driver requested a drink of wine to warm himself. Reluctantly one of the Chassidim gave him a new bottle of wine. He drank his fill and returned the half empty bottle. The Radomsker Rebbe said to fill it up with wine and reseal it. Friday night at the tish of the Radashitzer, that bottle of wine was placed on the Tish. Immediately the Saba Kadisha motioned for his Gabbai to have it removed as it is impure wine. The Tiferes Shlomo smiled a knowing smile.

There is a classic story with Reb Yissachar Ber of Radashitz that is a great chizuk in Bitachon for us in our daily lives. Before his name was known throughout the world, he lived from day to day not knowing how he would survive tomorrow. He persevered through sheer Bitachon. One day his wife suggested an idea that might help them in their troubles. In the neighboring town, there lived a rich woman whose last name was Temeril. She was a wealthy woman who supported many townsfolk. His wife suggested that he travel to Temeril and ask her for financial support. He seemed warm to the idea. The next day after finishing his Avodah of Shachris and learning Torah, it was already too late to undertake the more than 6 hour journey. This scene replayed itself the next day as well; and the next. When his wife noticed the fact that he was seemingly avoiding the trip he exclaimed “According to you Temeril is supporting almost her whole town. One of the only people she is not supporting is the 2 of us. If Temeril can support a whole throng of people, certainly Hakadosh Boruch Hu can support the two of us”. His statement certainly came to fruition.

Besides being known for his unique ability to see things which the human eye could not see and the mind could not comprehend, he was known for his deep understanding of the persons plight or situation. He would often comfort a troubled soul by words of encouragement. With his upcoming Yahrtzeit on Yud Ches Sivan, many people will be utilizing his Segulah of the 19 coins and saying the posuk for all Yeshuos. May his memory be blessed and may we merit the coming of Moshiach.

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