radashitz.org | Lost in a Cemetery


Lost in a Cemetery

10 Dec 2014, by admin in Personal Stories

Elul 2013, in the New Jersey Cemetery

A father and his young son are wandering amongst the rows of kevarim. Today is the yahrtzeit of their grandfather, and they have come to light a candle and recite Tehillim.

Suddenly, the father notices that his son has disappeared. He is overcome with fear. A young child lost in the midst of such a large cemetery… The father starts searching for him, running up and down the rows and calling out his name. But his efforts result in failure. The child is gone.

Overcome with fright, he pledges a generous sum in the merit of the Radashitzer tzaddik zy”a.

A minute later, a small jeep pulls to a stop right near him and the cemetery’s security guard jumps out. “Are you by any chance missing a child?” he asks. “I found a young boy wandering amongst the headstones…”

A pledge for the Radashitzer tzaddik…a child restored to his concerned father…

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