Posted: December 10, 2014
Elul 2013, in the New Jersey Cemetery A father and his young son are wandering amongst the rows of kevarim. Today is the yahrtzeit of their grandfather, and they have come to light a candle and recite Tehillim. Suddenly, the father notices that his son has disappeared. He is…
Posted: December 10, 2014
A frum Yid from Williamsburg had unwittingly gotten entangled in illegal business deals. When he realized his mistake, it was already too late. A severe court-hearing awaited him; a session that would last six hours and would rob him of his peace of mind. A day before…
Posted: December 10, 2014
A couple of years ago, I fell into dire financial straits. I could barely manage to put food on the table. My son was already in his twenties at that point, and we were having a hard time finding him a shidduch. Whenever something promising…
Posted: December 10, 2014
Several years ago, one of my friend’s children – a 17-year-old boy – started straying from the Torah-true path. Within a short time, he had completely distanced himself from Yiddishkeit, moved out of his parents’ home, and cut off contact with his family. The parents’…
Posted: June 16, 2014
Rav Yissachar Dov Ber, the “Saba Kadisha” of Radushitcz (Radoszyce; Radoshitz), (1765-1843). A disciple of Rav Yaakov Yitzchak, the Chozeh of Lublin, and Rav Yaakov Yitzchak of P’shischa. Help us rebuild and maintain the Beis Hachaim in Radashitz. Click here to donate.
Posted: May 28, 2014
There is a well known segula to donate multiples of 19 of the current currency in memory of Reb Yissocher Ber ben Yitzchak of Radashitz and say the posuk “Ki goy oived eitzos haimoh” This has known to help in many areas of life especially…
Posted: May 27, 2014
Dear Nachlas Kedmiem D’Radashitz, As you are well aware, I have been to Radashitz twice. I brought my worries, concerns, problems etc to the Tzion, within hours of leaving I felt uplifted with so much clarity. It felt like I dropped 100 pounds. I have…
Posted: May 27, 2014
There is a story that is well-known to the people of the city of Radashitz: There was an non-Jewish man in Radashitz who lived to the age of one hundred and fifteen. One year, on the 18th day of Sivan, the day of the Rebbe’s…